Flexible Access to Participants

THREAD virtual visits are designed from direct user feedback, with simplicity and individuality of primary importance:
- Your site teams see the participants, their profiles, and other custom features
- Your participants see a streamlined interface so they can focus on the telehealth component

Virtual Visits With THREAD
Sponsors and CROs can remotely and securely capture data from participants and sites during, in between, and in lieu of in-clinic visits.
Seamless Experience With Built-In Capabilities to Conduct and Participate Without Leaving the Portal or Study App
THREAD allows you to capture data from multiple study activities in real time during your virtual visits, giving you an optimized experience for recording validated assessments from sites, home health organizations, and clinical trial participants.

Site teams log into the portal from any device with an internet browser and click to start a telehealth virtual visit.

The patient receives a notification on their device and accepts the call with one click to start the virtual visit.

Site teams can complete forms and ask patients to complete activities on the app during the virtual visit.

Simplify Site Investigator Workflows
Ensure your site PIs and staff are capturing all the relevant data with ease.
Can your trial rely solely on virtual visits?
THREAD experts can support you in identifying which in-clinic visits are best to replace with virtual visits – while minimizing the need for organizational change. Virtual visits can be added to active or upcoming studies.